Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities


Catherine Frank, Ph.D.
Program Coordinator, School of Arts and Humanities

Michael J. Cripps, Ph.D.
Academic Director, School of Arts and Humanities

Degree name


人文学科跨学科研究挑战学生理解和评价人类价值, 文化和思想,因为他们在各种人文学科的表达. 学生批判性地思考学科本身(它们的相似之处), differences, 特征问题和方法)以及特定学科方法最能促进对人类现象理解的情况. The major thus requires students to cross disciplinary, historical and cultural boundaries; to practice critical and creative thinking; to ask complex questions and resolve interpretive problems, and to develop strong communication skills. 入门和顶点课程使学生能够将学科广度与纵向深度相匹配, 通过学生设计的独立项目,观察他们的智力发展,展示他们的学习成果. 该项目还帮助学生理解和回应公众对人文学科的看法,这是将他们的学术经历转化为职业准备的关键一步.

Major Description

跨学科研究专业(ISH)是为对一门以上人文学科感兴趣的学生设计的, 认识到从多个角度看待复杂问题和现象的价值, and enjoy the reading, thinking, 对人文学科提供的人类经验的表达和讨论. 可以自由地开发专题集群,或者只是享受知识的广度, 学生至少修读三(3)门人文学科的课程, 而高级课程和实习机会为他们的学习带来了深度和实际应用. 顶点研讨会通过给学生开发一个独立项目的机会,架起了学校和工作世界的桥梁, 通过一个精心策划的电子作品集来反思他们的教育, 并将他们的学术经验转化为职业准备. The flexible, 三十六(36)学分的课程使ISH成为社会和自然科学双学位的理想人选. By developing independence of mind, self-direction, critical thinking and analytic skills, and a continuing desire to learn, ISH毕业生离开正规澳门赌场网络时,为广泛的职业生涯或研究生和专业教育做好了准备.

Curricular Requirements

CAS Core RequirementsCredits
Total Credits42–43
Program Required CoursesCredits
LIL 420 – Senior Thesis/Project3
人文学科选修课(以下)三十三(33)学分 at least three (3) courses at the 300-level or above and no more than five (5) courses in a single discipline.33
Total Credits36
Open Electives (as needed to reach 120 credits)Variable
Minimum Total Required Credits120

A minimum average GPA of 2.0 in the major is required.

Humanities Discipline Eligible Courses

History ElectivesCredits
Any HIS courseVariable
ARC 235 – The Archaeology of New England3
ARH 210 – Art History Survey I3
ARH 211 – Art History Survey II3
ARH 260 – Renaissance & Baroque Art3
ARH 270 – Art in the Modern World3
CMM 135 – Evolution of Television3
CMM 170 – Evolution of Documentary Film3
MUS 216 – History of American Popular Music3
MUS 220 – History of Jazz3
PSC 110 – Power & Knowledge: Inventing Traditions3
English ElectivesCredits
Any ENG courseVariable
ARH 333 – Moroccan Theatre/Social Ch3
CMM 340 – Women and Film3
ENV 124 – Lit, Nature & the Environment3
PSC 300 – Egypt Through the Eye of Mahfouz3
PSC 304 – The Middle East and Africa through Films3
WRT 111 – Topics in Creative Writing3
WRT 211 – Creative Writing: Poetry3
WRT 212 – Creative Writing: Short Fiction3
WRT 312 – Fiction Writing Workshop3
Philosophy ElectivesCredits
Any PHI courseVariable
PSC 200 – Introduction to Political Theory3
PSC 260 – The Politics of Evil3
REL 276 – Religion in Human Traditions I3
REL 278 – Religion in Human Traditions II3
Liberal Learning ElectivesCredits
Any LIL courseVariable
Language Electives – Up to three (3) coursesCredits
ARB 101 – Basic Arabic3
FRE 101 – Basic French3
FRE 301 – Advanced French3
SPA 101 – Basic Spanish3
SPA 211 – Intermediate Spanish3
SPA 310 – Advanced Spanish I3
SPA 497 – Independent Study in Spanish1–12

Learning Outcomes

  • 学生将能够识别和定义一个问题或问题,可以从各种学科的角度来解决.
  • Students will be able to apply and integrate methods, materials, 和/或不同学科对问题解决方案的见解, 分析:对一个问题的分析或一个项目的完成. 这将反映课程作业以及独立阅读和研究.
  • 学生将能够发现和评估来自同一学科的不同观点.
  • 学生将能够进行主要和次要的研究,以发展良好的文件, supported, reasoned, and informed conclusions to problems and issues.
  • 学生将能够发现、使用和评估各种信息来源.
  • Students will be able to communicate ideas clearly.
  • 学生将能够完成跨学科的毕业论文或项目,根据他们以前在不同学科的工作.
  • 学生将展示至少两(2)个学科内容的工作知识.


如果你是一名优秀的本科生,立志于医学事业, 正规澳门赌场网络的HuMed项目为你提供了跨越本科三年级和四年级以及在正规澳门赌场网络骨科医学院或牙科医学院学习四(4)年的机会. 这个节目使你加深英语学习成为可能, History, 或通过人文学科专业学习人文学科的跨学科研究,同时为成为骨科医生或牙医做准备. 这一早期保证计划的要求见 HuMed website

正规澳门赌场网络文理学院读本科期间, 你完成了必要的自然科学课程,为你的研究生教育做准备, 同时获得英语/历史/人文学科跨学科研究的文学学士学位. 作为HuMed学生,你不需要参加骨科医学院的MCAT考试. Instead, 骨科医学院要求你参加英国临床能力倾向测试(UKCAT). 如果你完成了课程要求并通过了面试,你就有被录取的保证.

Honors Program

我们为符合条件的学生提供荣誉毕业的选择. This includes significant scholarly, creative, 或者在教师指导下的体验活动. Interested students should consult with their advisor.

Transfer Credit

See Undergraduate Admissions for more information.


See Undergraduate Admissions for more information.

Financial Information

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees for subsequent years may vary. Other expenses include books and housing. 有关学费和费用的更多信息,请咨询 Financial Information section of this catalog.