
所有的医生都必须对人体结构有透彻的了解. This is obtained early in their medical education by studying anatomy through the dissection of the human body. One hundred percent of the cadavers used by the University of New England have been donated by people in Maine with a deep commitment to medical education. It is through this most precious gift of whole body donation that medical and other health profession students receive their education and physicians learn new clinical procedures throughout their careers.

解剖器官捐赠表格可在此网页查阅, upon request, 或拨打(207)602-2202, 周一到周五早上8点.m. to 3 p.m. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 Jannika Coons at (207) 602-2202.

Request Donation Forms

Anatomical Donor Program
University of New England
11 Hills Beach Road
Biddeford, ME 04005

Download Forms


The Anatomical Gift Act is the state of Maine law that allows people to donate their bodies or organs, 它为捐赠者和大学提供了保护.


  • Any person 18 or older may donate their body after death for education or research
  • 捐赠人的有效赠与声明对他人的权利至为重要, 除非州法律适用
  • 赠与人可以随时撤销意愿赠与
  • On rare occasions, enrolled anatomical donors may find that their gift must be rejected to the limitations of the program
  • 经认可的医学院, university or hospital may receive an anatomical gift for the purposes of education or research
  • 所有捐赠的遗体都将得到最大的尊重和保密

Who Can Donate?

通过在死前填写解剖供体表, 任何超过18岁的人都可以捐献自己的遗体. 该项目只对缅因州的居民开放. 解剖捐赠计划不接受居住在缅因州以外的人. The form must be signed in witness of two people (anyone 18 years or older and preferably the legal next-of-kin or executor).

The Uniform Anatomical Gift Act allows individuals to bequeath their bodies to medical schools or hospitals, 未经亲属允许. Yet, this Anatomical Donor Program requires relatives’ consent for donation to preserve the sanctity of the donor’s family relations. Therefore, it is important to have the legal next-of-kin or an executor witness and sign the donor form.

捐献全身没有年龄上限. 单肢截肢和轻微的体重问题并不妨碍接受.

A body that is significantly overweight or underweight is unsuitable for anatomical study, therefore anatomical donors must fit within specific body mass index (BMI) restrictions at the time of death. Anatomical Donors with a BMI greater than 31 will not be enrolled in the Anatomical Donor Program. 

There are some medical conditions that prevent acceptance into the Anatomical Donor Program, including: HIV, hepatitis, 肺结核和克雅氏病.

Extensive trauma to the body at the time of death or advanced decomposition would also exclude the anatomical donor from the program because the body is unsuitable for anatomical study.

涉及刑事案件的解剖捐赠者, or who are held for possible investigation by the state medical examiner's (coroner’s) office are also unacceptable for anatomical donation.

Next-of-Kin's wishes

根据缅因州统一赠与法, 捐赠者的意愿在法律上优先于其法定近亲的意愿. However, the university strongly urges anatomical donors to discuss their plan with their family so that their wishes may be clearly understood. UNE will refuse the anatomical donation if there are strong objections from the family.

Changes or Cancelations

如果捐赠人更改了姓名或地址, they should notify the Anatomical Donor Program at the address below or via telephone.

Anatomical Donor Program
University of New England
11 Hills Beach Road
Biddeford, ME 04005
(207) 602-2202

If a donor wishes to cancel their anatomical gift they should notify the Anatomical Donor Program at the above address and return their donor card and donor documentation.

Alternative Arrangements

Confirmation of the acceptance of the anatomical gift will be made at the time of the anatomical donor’s death by the legal next-of-kin or executor. Acceptance of an anatomical gift is contingent upon the needs of the university at the time of donor’s death. Accordingly, anatomical donors are required to make alternative arrangements in the event that UNE is unable to accept the anatomical donation.

At the Time of Death

在解剖供体死亡的时候, the legal next-of-kin or executor should contact a physician and notify Hope Memorial Chapel, 谁管理正规澳门赌场网络的解剖捐赠计划. Contact information for the Anatomical Donor Program is on the back of the Anatomical Donor’s membership card and throughout their Anatomical Donor paperwork.

Contact information

Hope Memorial Chapel
480 Elm St.
Biddeford, ME 04005
(207) 282-6300

希望纪念教堂随时都可以联系到, 无论是在营业时间还是在晚上, 在周末和节假日,立即采取行动. They will arrange for transportation of the anatomical donor to their facility and subsequently to the UNE 骨科医学院.

对于那些经常去美国其他地方旅行的人, the Anatomical Donor Program encourages them to also join a body donation program in that area to provide coverage while away from home. UNE’s Anatomical Donor Program is unable to accept anatomical donors from out-of-state locations, 即使他们已经参加了这个项目.


Anatomical Donor Program
University of New England
11 Hills Beach Road
Biddeford, ME 04005
(207) 602-2202

The Living Bank
PO Box 6725
Houston, TX 77625
(800) 528-2971

Financial Remuneration

根据缅因州的法律,解剖遗体的捐赠不得支付任何费用. 学校将支付交通费用, 解剖供体的防腐和火化.


对人体的医学研究可能需要一到四年. 当学习结束时, the anatomical donors will be cremated and their remains will be returned to the legal next-of-kin or executor. 填好捐赠表格后, 必须表明解剖供体的意愿, 包括未来的法律近亲或遗嘱执行人的联系信息. 当解剖供体进入程序时, it is vital for the family to remain in contact with the Anatomical Donor Program to ensure their family member’s remains are returned or if they wish to change the documented arrangements of the anatomical donor.

Alternatively, cremated remains may be interred at the UNE memorial site on the Biddeford campus.

There is an annual, 多教派的追悼会 for the anatomical donors during the fall. The legal next-of-kin or executor of anatomical donors will be invited to attend these services. 在解剖供体研究完成后, 他们死后一到四年, 法定近亲会被告知日期, 年会的地点和时间, 多教派的追悼会.